I've seen the shape!
I finally put a Facebook together. It's just like Twitter, only with the purpose to be more live instead of small bloggy. I think I'll just stick to blogging here cuz this is a real blogging site.
I knew I'd be back eventually.
drum resume
Mike "Monkey" Soucy got his first drum set at the age of 6, amidst the time when his father was still playing in a metal band as a guitarist. For years after that, he would play along to CDs and cassettes or with his father. After some convincing, he joined the school band in 6th grade, and began reading charts and sight reading in middle school.
In early high school (1999), he joined the marching band as a freshman and began learning different jazz type styles and concert instruments. During this time, he also played with his first real band "Dying Slow" at clubs and bars around town. After getting additional attention due to his learning curve, Mike began requesting extraneous music charts on the side to just "look at", and also asking for additional recommendations for other music to listen to.
In later high school, he began achieving a kind of notoriety among other musicians for his strong sight reading and comprehension skills. After being pushed as far as they could go, Dying Slow broke up due to other interests in other band mates, and Soucy's side jamming with other local band "Farefis". At this time, he is awarded the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award for drumming.
Near the end of high school, Mike learns from a friend that his brother's band Ikonoklast is looking for a drummer to go on the road with, and immediately the position is filled. Over the course of the next few years, Soucy toured with Ikonoklast around the country as well as played locally in Phoenix AZ. He also spends a good amount of time during being in Ikonoklast to also dabble in other types of live music: London Metal Exchange (pop/punk), Reburn and the Skidmarks (experimental, punk, metal, jazz), Farefis (metal), Malnurture (Black Metal), Monsoon Alley (rock).
Recently, Soucy's musical interests have strayed from conventional music and aimed more in the technical and avant-garde directions. Citing bands like Fantomas, Naked City, Hella, Dillinger Escape Plan, and Meshuggah for a kick-off point in a new direction of musical writing and performance. Soucy still gives lessons post high school that focus on both extreme rudimental marching technique and alternative theory for drum composition. April 30th 2006, he won the Sam Ash Drum Offs in Phoenix. He has also done guest judging for Guitar Center at different locations for their Guitar Center Drum Off in 2005, 2006, and 2007. In 2008, he began competition in the Guitar Center Drum Offs, but only made it to regionals due to previously planned engagements and shuffled dates. In 2009, he had also won and competed at Sam Ash.
Currently, Soucy is gearing up for going on tour with Labor Party (punk/rock) this summer, and is also in the process of recording for an album following some of his recent musical interests.
Current Setup:
Cymbals (Zildjian):
1. 16" A Custom Fast Crash
2. 16" A Custom Crash
3. 18" A Custom Fast Crash
4. 6" A Series Splash
5. 6" A Custom Splash
6. 20" A Custom Ride
7. 14" A Custom Hi-hats
Drums (Pacific FS):
8", 10", 12", 14" Toms
20" Kick
Hardware and Accessories:
Pearl Eliminator Double Bass Pedal
Rhythmtech Tamborine and Cowbell
Self Validation.
Up this point, since January: Work had grinded down little by little until it came to a screeching stop. It’s been a couple months now, but I’ve gotten unemployment going and I apply for jobs everyday still. I also still try to get up at a time that would still be considered early for someone who doesn’t work. I don’t wanna get into the habit of sleeping in, just cuz it’ll make things harder to get used to once I start working again. I hate sleeping anyway.
I’ve put in as much as I can with London Metal Exchange. We’ve had ups and downs all year, but with me being unemployed, I don’t consider myself a part of the band. The practice schedule has also gone from playing big shows at the Marquee Theater, to playing once every other month at small bars. They’re in the studio right now, but I don’t care. They’re not making any drastic changes to the mix, and I have better things to do.
Since January, I’ve been cranking out musical ideas like crazy. I started going through unfinished riffs and charts I had written, and filled in the blanks. This has also brought me to practicing songs from http://www.myspace.com/dooeetnau with my old Reburn buddy Andrew. We went through staring at pages of hieroglyphics, to working on our stage setup and slamming through the songs as many times as we can before we tire out. We’re almost ready for phase 1!
In light of me being unemployed, and somewhat out of shape, I started working out again. First it started with the weights I got from the girl, then into skating, Dance Dance Revolution, situps, and now basketball. Originally, I started working out just to keep myself in shape enough to be able to jam with Andrew. But then I joined Labor Party’s tour.
I was offered to go on tour with Labor Party this summer because their drummer has some shit to tend to. Which I’m stoked on! I get to hit the road again, play in front of new people, and get some of my single bass chops back! Last night was the first night I had gotten through a night of practice without breaking a sweat.
Also, in a stretch to strengthen my brain, I've done random things to make me learn: I’ve switched my OS on my computer Linux, started playing Magic: The Gathering, I have notebooks laying around the house waiting to be filled with more random ideas for songs and charts, I downloaded a math game (like flash cards).
I’ve got to do as much as I can until I start working again. There’s never enough time in the day!
So many Blogging options.
After all, you integrate nicely into my Google lifestyle!
I realized.
Yay me.
Work's a little slow.
But during all the other ones, I keep the house clean, I'm writing music, schmoozing other musicians online, scouring Craigslist, and doing anything physical. Now that I'm drinking coffee again, I have something to counteract my constant drowsiness, lol. Happy + Coffee = Production.
I got a copy of the Drum Bible, in addition to some random on-fields and warm ups, in hopes of keeping my chops good. My shoulder has been killing me, so I've been keeping a pad and sticks within proximity when possible (mostly when Amber's not home, heh). And now that I have an amp, I've picked up on a NORMAL writing technique called "justfuckingplaythemotherfuckerandseewhathappens". I think it's cool. o_O
My mind just blanked cuz I got an idea for a riff.
I laughed a little.
David: test.
Me: icles.
He hasn't texted me back yet though. And may I add on a completely different subject that mobile blogging is neat.
Random convo.
(01:33:32 PM) a: friday it was chocolate hersey bars
(01:33:34 PM) a: hahaha
(01:34:28 PM) m: Hmm. I wonder if that's what super markets happen to throwing away cuz of expiration or best sell dates and he's trying to make a couple bucks with them instead of eating them like a retard.
(01:34:35 PM) m: Free food!
(01:34:48 PM) m: That's how I filled my fridge when I moved out.
(01:35:09 PM) a: yeah i mean they are big carboard boxes full of htem
(01:35:13 PM) m: Wow.
(01:35:17 PM) m: I would keep those.
(01:35:20 PM) a: which hello you are homeless eat them dude
(01:35:24 PM) m: For real.
(01:35:36 PM) m: I'd be stoked to have had those over those shitty pizzas I had to eat.
(01:35:36 PM) a: but they are also not refrigerated but still
(01:35:54 PM) a: eat them real fast before they go bad
(01:35:58 PM) m: Lol, yeah.
(01:36:12 PM) m: Sell 'em to other bums. He needs to know how to capitalize.
(01:36:40 PM) m: I'd be getting them, and selling them to the bums that stand out in the sun looking for money. They'd come to me when they were hungry cuz I'd scam prices and shit.
(01:36:55 PM) m: I'd be a fat homeless guy without a tan.
(01:41:33 PM) a: hahah yeah
Act fast!

I have a slightly one now. Used to where maybe it sat in a party for a year or so, so I all I had to do was wipe it down with some Pledge. But now it's shiny, lemon-scented, and ready to have all my stomp boxes mashed into it. I Just don't have any cables. :-(
Oh, and thanks to another Pacific Islander, I have another one of these.
All for the grand total of $120 and some smokes.
Between me and Bootycakes
(01:05:21 PM) a: does 1 uper
(01:05:22 PM) a: haha
(01:05:53 PM) m: I have a tendency to reciprocate statements by replaying my own experience with the same thing.
(01:06:06 PM) m: Passive aggressively asserting myself.
(01:06:36 PM) a: aw i see
(01:06:50 PM) m: I really do have a Napoleon Complex, lol.
(01:07:21 PM) a: that is ok, i am neurotic
(01:07:25 PM) a: we get alogn great, haha
(01:07:28 PM) m: Lol.
(01:07:33 PM) m: Fucking. Rad.
With all the ducks in a line...
I have to be a part of something that I've helped create before I'm done.
To all you people who were told to call 973-409-3274:
This is an article containing information and a timeline of how this innocent poll from Humor Hotlines (the people that made the famous Rejection Hotline) turned into a rumor of making marijuana legal.
I'm also glad that it's my nature to be paranoid at having my phone number and name on a piece of paper to become part of a demographic of active potheads. But I'm dumb enough to still promote it online... Lol.
Maybe it's all part of my fictitious character I've been developing for my movie.