We're getting back into the groove of playing out alot again, so now I feel like i'm back in my own skin again. We jumped onto the Fuck Christmas show with the Labor Party not to long ago, i'm curious how well it will draw. I guess it doesn't matter so much, I always have fun when I go there.
I really gotta make sure we start getting thrown in with the flyers ahead of time... Wes is no Photoshop genius, lol.
Click here to see the flyer and more details.
We're also playing at a high school for something The Edge is putting on as a local music takeover thing. Maybe someone will start a food fight, we're rambunctious. I don't know what will happen.
I've been watching The Office lately. :-)
Dance Dance Revolution!

I've played this alot today. After I got a present for Amber, I thought i'd get something for me that she could maybe like to. DDR Universe 2 was that thing. We started up in Quest Mode to earn cash and unlock levels and shit. Got plenty of practice to play on difficult again, I forgot how much fun it was! And we played it for hours, until we switched back to Halo 3.

I can't believe how funny these movies are... The last couple days, if we weren't playing video games or sexing, it was one of these movies. The injuries are so hilarious, and the way they respond to them!! OMFG!!!!!111 <:-D
Time to go play some more Earthbound on the SNES!
xbox 360
Yup 46" of fury. After the old one burnt out, this seemed like an obvious choice thing to do. Ryan was gracious and bored enough to help me get it going with the entertainment center we had to build from scratch. After building the EC and hooking everything up, it took about 4 hours. Which I guess is kinda quick, but we're used to it. Then the 3 of us do what we usually did, then ordered pizza and wings.
Halo 3 looks amazing...
Gametag: oldschoolmonk
Was amazing. Holy damn...
Started out November 7th at night (gone for a week), Amber's parents took us to the airport. The first flight out wasn't so bad. Just as to fight boredom on the airplane and in the airport, I brought my PSP, a few games, and my iPod. While waiting for a connecting flight in North Carolina, I fell asleep on the the terminal floor at 4 o'clock in the morning (AZ time). Four hours later, we were back on the plane. And when we landed, I was sweating! Humidity hit pretty quickly, and my feet were all sweaty in my Crocs...
Immediately, we make friends with a couple of couples at a welcoming type of thing in the airport. Start drinking immediately, lol. RED STRIPE! I found out the first day on the beach of the Couples Swept Away Resort that lots people will try to sell you shit. I even met The King. :-)
One restaurant we went to a couple times, also had a martini bar upstairs that we hit up a couple times and made friends with the bartenders. But since it was all inclusive, there wasn't many moments outside of our room that we didn't have a drink in our hands at all times. A few times we would be at a place to eat, or one of the bars, we would be hanging out with couples we met on the ride in from the airport. Fun people, and all really nice and willing to talk to each other since it's a 'couples' resort. Not many threatening people, lol. Although a fight did break out on the first night, I had heard, over someone dude checking out someone else's chick. Funny stuff.
Alot of the time we spent on the beach. Just staring at the ocean in the sun getting tan assfuck. Then getting drunk and playing in the ocean, or just laying out on rafts. We had originally planned on doing some scuba diving in addition to the catamaran cruise and ziplining, but Amber got seasick on the cruise. Not so much when swimming around in the ocean and jumping off the boat, but sitting on the boat for half an hour waiting for the boat to go again. *teeter teeter*. The ziplining was sick, flying through trees as 35 mph hour in the fucking jungle. BAD. ASS. Especially the big one: 300 feet above the water, roughly 3000 feet long, at anywhere from 35 to 40 mph. I did tuck like a fucking cannon ball after taking a slightly harder jump off the platform.
Aside from finding out I had sealegs and wasn't afraid of heights, we could just relax and not worry about a thing. Gourmet meals in fancy enviroments, and time away from everything and everyone. It was the most relaxed i've ever felt, lol.
The trip back in, however, sucked. When our first flight back in to North Carolina was delayed and we lost our 2 hour window before the next flight, we had to stand in line for customs with a SHIT TON OF PEOPLE. We had only 15 minutes until our flight was boarding, and we had a room full of people trying to do get onto other flights from here. And mysteriously, we got picked for the random bag check our of everyone on our flight. So we get hassled real bad by one of the security, or homeland security, whatever.. And After asking lots of drug questions, he finds toys. I tell him they're gifts, and he's shits on me. After finally making Amber hysterical, and me being ready to go to jail for beating the hell out of this guy, we finally get free and begin running for wear we need to have our check baggage loaded. Then all that was left was a sprint from one side of the airport to the other, with both of our carry-on's under my arms leading Amber to the terminal. Half way through, i'm fucking done, lol. We make it to the plane, that had luckily enough been delayed as well due to weather, very sweaty. But little did we know, the passengers behind us wouldn't stop talking for like 6 hours. Amber slept none, and I started assholing by cranking my air and aiming it back, and leaning my seat all the way back. As if all this wasn't enough to handle in one day, our luggage hadn't made it to Phoenix. And while we're in line for McDonald's after not eating the entire day, I almost jump the car in front of us for dicking off with the drive through chick, holding up the line.
I'm okay with being angry.
I'm not angry right now, but I think i'm okay with doing irrational things to blow off steam.
The other day, I was driving home from a long day of work and lots of driving. I had been cut loose on my own again, running service calls and shit. So at the end of my day, I got to drive home from Loop 202 and Power Road. I was afraid on my way out there that I had missed the turn and was in Apache Junction or something, it was so far out. Knowing I had to deal with that didn't help... Then almost an hour of driving later, I run into construction near Amber's work I-17 before the curve northbound. So I try to signal my big ass heavy work truck into another lane, but the BMW behind me isn't letting me in, and i'm getting closer to where the lane is about to stop. So I speed up and start moving in with my blinker on anyway, i'm not asking anymore. I'm telling, and she isn't hearing: I'm about to crash into her for being a stubborn and inconsiderate driver. So I roll down my window and tell her thanks for not letting me in, but I called her cunt too.
And I screamed it like Corey Taylor.
So, before the exit for the 51, I gun it into the exit for 32nd Street exit (or 24th, I can't remember) to get up beside her and throw the first thing I can get my hand on that my eyes agree with. I yelled "FUCK YOU!" as I unscrewed my 4 hour old bottle of piss and threw it at her shiny BMW from some Scottsdale dealership.
Fuck Scottsdale. Fuck the people that are feeding it to make it bigger. And fuck the stupid drivers that it spawns.
The other day, I was driving home from a long day of work and lots of driving. I had been cut loose on my own again, running service calls and shit. So at the end of my day, I got to drive home from Loop 202 and Power Road. I was afraid on my way out there that I had missed the turn and was in Apache Junction or something, it was so far out. Knowing I had to deal with that didn't help... Then almost an hour of driving later, I run into construction near Amber's work I-17 before the curve northbound. So I try to signal my big ass heavy work truck into another lane, but the BMW behind me isn't letting me in, and i'm getting closer to where the lane is about to stop. So I speed up and start moving in with my blinker on anyway, i'm not asking anymore. I'm telling, and she isn't hearing: I'm about to crash into her for being a stubborn and inconsiderate driver. So I roll down my window and tell her thanks for not letting me in, but I called her cunt too.
And I screamed it like Corey Taylor.
So, before the exit for the 51, I gun it into the exit for 32nd Street exit (or 24th, I can't remember) to get up beside her and throw the first thing I can get my hand on that my eyes agree with. I yelled "FUCK YOU!" as I unscrewed my 4 hour old bottle of piss and threw it at her shiny BMW from some Scottsdale dealership.
Fuck Scottsdale. Fuck the people that are feeding it to make it bigger. And fuck the stupid drivers that it spawns.
I never fully trust anything anyone says anymore.
It's just my natural reaction, and I hate it when people are talking normal volume and then get quiet.
I'm just waiting for everyone to slip up...
I'm just waiting for everyone to slip up...
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