
Tiger Army w/ Calabrese, Korn w/ Mudvayne

I never got around to talking about my last weekend.

Tiger Army w/ Calabrese:

1. Got lost trying to find fastest way to Venue of Scottsdale from Cassie's
2. Traffic delays because of accidents
3. Saw lots of people I knew there
4. Met Cassie's friend David. And he's very tall.
5. Rocked out to Calabrese
6. Mobbed the front for Tiger Army
7. Knocked bitches down

Korn w/ Mudvayne:
1. With Cassie, caught a ride with Caleb
2. Drank some booze before the show
3. Forgot to buy a shirt
4. Loved Mudvayne, but was disapointed by their set
5. Snuck closer for Korn
6. Caleb tried to mob pit, but failed due to 8 big fucking guards
7. Enjoyed the show

Pretty good stuff that weekend.

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