
Where am I at right now? Well let's evaluate:

I've been talking to Brody and Germy more, as well as eating better also. Which is kinda cool, cuz I never really saw myself doing much of that... Which almost leads to the recent breaking between me and Cassie, which i'm sure some people must've heard of. She swears there's something else to my story, but I call it a well-placed coincidence.

Reburn and the Skidmarks is in the studio right now recording more than 30 tracks, of which 26 or so involve drums I recorded in one day. The next day after that was a looooooooong one for me because not only did I recorded all those songs in one day, we had a show later that night that we went straight to from Byron's. Guitars are being recorded right now, and I think vocals are being done tomorrow. I'm gonna be getting down on some backup vocals with Sean and maybe Wa, so I gotta be there.

Ikonoklast is also going into the studio this coming Saturday to record not QUITE as many songs at all. We're gonna be recording old songs that hadn't been redone since I've joined, as well as 5 or 6 new songs that we're really digging on. The songs i'm noticing that are being pumped out by Ikonoklast have changed a little bit more, kinda like how the last CD had a noticable difference from old material to new. The stuff we have now has an obvious amount of less cacophonic sequence tracks. There's even a new song that I actually play the part of a conservative drummer, which makes me sounds like a stupid drummer while in fact i'm just saying that playing to the music is usually involved and the sequence was a bit simplified for once. Which isn't bad... I like being involved...

I've been working with the youngest of the Trikoff's, Mike, at a place that makes shirts, and it's not that bad. I listen to Howard Stern in the morning, and Rawdog comedy in the afternoon. I have the hours i've been wanting so badly again (9-5) and it leaves room for one my bands to step in when applicable. With my nights and weekends back in my possession, it leaves room for shows and emergency meetings or whatever.
I'm working on getting a Mazda Miyata off a previous co-worker from Sam Ash, and as insurance that it would be mine when the money came to me I gave him a van. "Why didn't you just take the van Monkey?" First, the van needed an obvious amount of work done on it. Second, MY bands don't need one because 2 members (1 out of each band) already has one. Third, gas is expensive when you get 10 miles to the gallon. Especially when everything you need to tend to is on opposite sides of town. And finally, he's saving his sports car for me? I've been thinking about something like one of those for a while. All I need to do is dish out cash periodically and pray I never get hit in that crumple-zone-less thing...

I got a Motorola V3C Razr phone. It's so cool.

I think that's about it.