
Random convo.

(01:33:18 PM) a: bu they the nice homeless man jsu tcame in to see if i wanted ot buy a box of lunchables, wtf?
(01:33:32 PM) a: friday it was chocolate hersey bars
(01:33:34 PM) a: hahaha
(01:34:28 PM) m: Hmm. I wonder if that's what super markets happen to throwing away cuz of expiration or best sell dates and he's trying to make a couple bucks with them instead of eating them like a retard.
(01:34:35 PM) m: Free food!
(01:34:48 PM) m: That's how I filled my fridge when I moved out.
(01:35:09 PM) a: yeah i mean they are big carboard boxes full of htem
(01:35:13 PM) m: Wow.
(01:35:17 PM) m: I would keep those.
(01:35:20 PM) a: which hello you are homeless eat them dude
(01:35:24 PM) m: For real.
(01:35:36 PM) m: I'd be stoked to have had those over those shitty pizzas I had to eat.
(01:35:36 PM) a: but they are also not refrigerated but still
(01:35:54 PM) a: eat them real fast before they go bad
(01:35:58 PM) m: Lol, yeah.
(01:36:12 PM) m: Sell 'em to other bums. He needs to know how to capitalize.
(01:36:40 PM) m: I'd be getting them, and selling them to the bums that stand out in the sun looking for money. They'd come to me when they were hungry cuz I'd scam prices and shit.
(01:36:55 PM) m: I'd be a fat homeless guy without a tan.
(01:41:33 PM) a: hahah yeah

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